Founder Tracking for early-stage Investors
FounderScout is an ML-enabled tool that helps VCs and angel investors find founders that are a) the right fit, b) at the right time, and c) by harnessing the investment's team collective network.
Stay in the loop
The current VC sourcing process is broken due to its reliance on manual data collection, reactive approaches, and incomplete market coverage, which prevent optimal matches between startups and investors. Additionally, due diligence is plagued by subjectivity, biases, incomplete and incorrect information, and inconsistent assessments across team members. As VCs turn more and more in the usage of AI-driven tools to streamline their process and gain an edge, FounderScout is your top choice in finding the next deals you’ll be investing in so you can stay ahead of the competition.
learn what's moving
Monitoring of network, competition, and prospective founders
Profile Prioritisation based on the investor's thesis
✅ Founder access to the investment team's network (usually network access = access to invest)
✅ Lead generation for new founders
Data-driven assessment of top founders (detect talent magnets, companies that become "startup mafias", etc. before anyone else)
Multiplayer mode, collaborative tools, and CRM Integration
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